Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Father's Day (yeah, I know it's early)

So I pulled a serious blond moment this last Sunday and celebrated Father's Day. I guess I thought since Mother's Day is the second week of May, Father's day must be the second week of June but its not. Anywho, I just wanted to let my husband know how proud I am of him and how much Charlie and I love and depend on him! I went out in a hissy on Saturday night thinking I was doing last minute shopping and got Larin a grill! He has wanted one forever and I finally caved, I must say that I like it too, since I don't have to cook or clean since its outside, and he has made some tasty stuff!
Here is Charlie's first picture of him actually smiling, he looks so much like his daddy! He has finally started to not be such a momma's boy, thank goodness! His doctors appointment was today and he has gotten so BIG!!! He is 12lbs. 4 oz. and a whopping 22 3/4 in.!!! He had to get 3 shots and was not happy about that at all, poor thing screamed so hard he fell asleep from all the effort.
And a little suprise, he is TEETHING! I know, what??? Just 12 weeks and he has two little mounds on his bottom jaw and can't keep his hands out of his mouth just chewing chewing chewing and drooling drooling drooling! Let me tell you he also screams in pain every once and awhile, it's so sad and tiring! The only other child I knew that actually teethed this early is Taylor. I guess my little boy just wants to be all grown up, it's so bittersweet....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A big boy!

Charlie has officially found his hands, I don't think he knows they are his and he controls them but he found them! He has his two month appointment next week and I'm so excited to find out just how big he is now. I took some pics and video of his favorite thing, BATHTIME, he can't get enough and loves to kick and splash, but only with one foot, yeah he's a weirdo...Kind of smiling...

All right the video won't load.
And here are some pictures of him so cute, every time the flash went off he stopped smiling, such his father's child.I know so many posts and pics but he's my first so I'm allowed right?

Monday, June 1, 2009

The family that shoots together...

Little political soap box warning. My brother made a good point recently in saying that our country's founding fathers were inspired to write the constitution so there is a reason we have the right to bear arms, we may not know why now but we have the right! Our family has never been gun crazy but both Katie and I married into it and Robert wanted to protect his constitutional right and went out and bought a new gun. Hopefully the next four years our rights can remain unharmed. Off the soap box... Robert had never shot a handgun and decided who better to teach him than my military husband and the cop to be Ryan. I had never shot a handgun either so there was quite a bit of learning going on. All in all it was a fun day, except for the bugs, we were eaten alive, note to self bring bug spray!I was super tense and scared I was going to hurt someoneStraight shooter!Katie really rocked, she knows how to shoot pretty well for a little ladyMy husband is soo sexy when playing with weapons, I have a problemFuture MHPD Cop, yeah, he's that hardcoreTrying to get Ryan to let us out of the back of the cop car... we were criminals, Robert got to ride with the siren on

A little late, Happy Mother's Day

Just a shout out to all the mothers, having a child in today's world takes great strength. And if raising them isn't hard enough we are expected to look like a model right after pushing them out, in the inspiring words of my OBGYN, in hollywood they have great genetics and even better plastic surgeons. So while looking in the mirror at your new body, your chest may no longer be on your chest, and you tummy may have enough zebra striped skin to make a circus tent but remember what you did it for and embrace it. I've only been a mom for two months and it ain't for the weak of heart, stay strong moms, hell, we are warriors, just ask me, I have battle scars to prove it!Because it is so wonderfully worth it!