Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 30 and Dr. update.

Well, I didn't pass my three hour glucose test, surprise! I have to go meet with the diabetic diet counselor, even though my fasting and my three hour sugars were well within normal I guess the others were not. I have DIR, for those who don't know anything about sugar and insulin release let me explain where I fall. If you have type I diabetes your body doesn't make insulin, if you have type 2 diabetes your body makes insulin but it is not functional, and DIR, which stands for delayed insulin release, means my insulin works fine and my body makes it, not diabetes at all. I just don't release it right away or in small amounts so my blood sugar goes a little high my body produces insulin and instead of releasing a little at a time to keep my sugars normal it waits and releases a large amount causing my sugars to drop really low. One time it got to 35 and it is not supposed to go below 70, so if they treat me for diabetes and give me insulin....bad idea! I have felt a lot better since I got pregnant and haven't fell too low in awhile and I really don't want to give up on my cravings!! Hopefully I can convince the counselor. Anywho, afterwards I was a little upset and told Larin that I might as well get an Icee since I might not get one later, and the Icee machine was broken!!! Bad day! Here's the week 30 belly picture, 7 weeks left by my count.....Starting to gain weight other than my belly! 17 pounds so far! We are finally getting somewhere on getting all the stuff for Charlie. Isn't it crazy that for a baby, tiny little thing, you have to buy I'm gonna say like 900 different items! I don't want to post pics of the nursery until it is completely done, but it is looking so cute. My new thing is finding cheap but nice things for the baby I get soo excited when I get a good deal. Larin doesn't really like buying stuff used since it's our first baby so a lot of the stuff is new and costly but I found a travel system, that's the stroller, the car seat and the car seat base for $50! And it doesn't look used at all and I got a military discount, saweet.I love it! I just had to post a picture because I am so proud of myself. Lastly, here's the latest picture of Charlie, he is sooo cute! Okay so I'm a little biased, but come on look at him!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I don't like doctors!

Nothing personal I've just had some bad times with them. I got really sick last year and the doctors couldn't get it together and figure it out. They gave me all these different diagnoses and then would change their minds after making me treat that diagnosis. Long story short it sucked, Larin even called in to complain because they didn't give us one of my lab results for almost two months and it was an important one. So after all this I wanted to have a baby, I said I didn't care if I was sick anymore just no more doctors! Larin said if I went to this one specialist for these few more tests and if he said I was well enough to have a baby then we would. Obviously he said it was okay and frankly I have felt most of my symptoms from before have gotten less intense now that I'm pregnant... then the doctor had to check me for gestational diabetes. I have done that test before and knew from how I felt I wasn't going to pass. So I didn't pass and have to do the longer 3 hour test tomorrow and I know from past experience I am not going to pass that one either, but it doesn't mean I have diabetes just that my body is all weird! I have been a very tolerant pregnant lady, with mild mood swings but if they take away my CARBS, even when I know it won't help, I will not be very nice, not at all! Just had to vent, doctors need to listen!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week 27...10 to go!

Here's the updated belly pic! 27 weeks so in 10 weeks I'll be considered full term and I told Charlie that's when he is evicted! Pregnancy wise I am just getting more and more uncomfortable. I had bad hips before pregnancy and now if I try and do too much I wake up the next day in so much pain I can't get out of bed, it's tons of fun. Everyone I bump into thinks I'm tiny! Can't believe anyone thinks this is tiny! Charlie has been getting the hiccups which is a weird sensation, I feel bad for him because it happens a couple times a day but they say it doesn't bother them. I waddle everywhere I go and Larin thinks it's hilarious! Anywho that's the update on the pregnancy!

Here are the New Years pics

Taylor took this picture all by herself, she held the camera and said say 'Happy New Year's!'

She was very hyper!
Brooklyn invented her own little song
Taylor Belle playing her 'horn'
Grandma, Taylor, Brookie and RJ all ready for the new year!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Party! Kind of.....

Larin had to go back down to Utah for his work, go Army right? Anyways my parents were going to watch Katie and Ryan's kids and I didn't feel up to going out all night so we decided to have our own little party that would end early! Taylor and Brooklyn got really crazy after we let the two of them have their own bottle of sparkling cider, it was hilarious. They chased each other around the living room for 10 minutes straight! We bought little poppers and when their parents came to pick them up we set them off. Taylor had to tell everyone Happy New Year's about fifty times and Brooklyn was running around giving hugs and screaming, it was so cute! Poor RJ was just sleepy, and the party ended a little before ten, but for a pregnant tired lady it was perfect. I'll load the pictures later because my computer is being weird!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas in Idaho

So we went up to Idaho for our Christmas of course to see all our family and friends. We luckily beat the bad weather by a few hours, which is really good because I hate being in the car with someone else driving when its slick! We made it in time to catch the tail end of Christmas Eve dinner and later my best friend Kat stopped by. We hadn't seen each other in forever and she was really excited to see my huge belly. Charlie is usually quite the active baby but he wouldn't kick Kat once, he can be such a turd! Of course as soon as she left he went nuts. Anywho, we went to bed and woke up to quite a bit of snow and presents galore!! Everyone came over and we opened our presents. Here is me and miss Madelyn, Robert and Rachel's new little girl! And Spencer, he got a mower but played with the two carts meant for the girls. Little miss Brooklyn was being such a goofball and kept saying cheese! And here is RJ who had no idea what all the fuss was about!
All in all it was a great Christmas morning, Charlie got tons of clothes and he isn't even born yet. We got a glider for the nursery which was totally needed!