Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Almost forgot!

Here is my belly button, it has almost given up and I'm only 23 weeks, and yes my belly is that white......
Charlie wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone!

One final down, one more to go!

Ok, so I haven't posted in a little bit! Larin and I went up to Idaho for Thanksgiving and had tons of fun. I got to see all of our nieces and nephews, the 23 on Larin's side and the 5 on mine. I was lucky and Robert and Rachel stopped by to see us on their way to Florida so I got to see Spencer, who is sooo grown up it is insane, and Madelyn, she was so cute and giggly the whole time! When we got to Idaho we watched Taylor, Brooklyn and RJ, and those kids cracked us up! Taylor walked up to Larin and told him, very matter-of-factly.."Brooklyn doesn't like you." Little Brookie stood in the shadows and was scared to be alone with Larin but was fine if we were there, which was funny considering we watched her for a week once and she had no problem with him then. RJ is getting nice and chubby and a goof! While Katie was doing my hair Brookie needed her diaper changed and Taylor said she'd do it. Curious Katie agreed and we watched her change Brookie and she actually did a suprisingly good job, just needed a little tightening and she definitely had to wash her hands afterwards but it was funny to watch! I ate two Thanksgivings, Larin's families and some of my families, so that was awesome. The day after we had Larin's family's Christmas party, so more food and fun there! And Larin got to catch up with all of his siblings.
So back home everything is going great. We had our first snow yesterday and I was sooo excited. I put up our Christmas decorations and am proud of my little tree!
Since our poor little deaf puppy gets cold so quickly Larin got her a coat, and yes I know its blue and shes a girl, but Larin wanted it because it has camo on it! So my dog is now a little bit retarded, stone deaf, and completely gender-confused. Here are some pics of her in her jacket and her first walk in the snow, she just tried to eat it...
Lastly, here is an update on the belly pics, our little Charlie is the most active baby on the planet and is constantly kicking me. When we lay down to go to bed I make Larin watch my stomach because he is getting so big you can see the whole belly move! It is sooo amazing to have this little life in me that we created, I love it!! Oh and before I forget, Thanks Katie for doing my hair!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Magnificent 8, for Ms.Kayleen

8 favorite TV shows:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. My Name is Earl(its hilarious)
3. Friends
4. Clean House
6. Just Shoot Me
7. Private Practice
8. The Soup

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Laundry
2. Slept in!!
3. Took a bath so I could shave my legs, I'm too fat to do it in the shower
4. Wanted Taco Bell really bad....I got some today:)
5.Studied for finals, kind of!
6. Took Larin's algebra test for him, didn't do to well
7. Watched Big Daddy
8. Did a couple of quizzes

8 Things to Look Forward To:
1. Christmas
2. Being done shopping for everyone for Christmas
3. School being done.. two more days, two more tests
4. More snow!
5. Being in my last trimester!! Bring on the sleeping pills...
6. Seeing all my friends and family
7. Setting up and resetting up my baby's room(pregnant ladies have to redo things nine million times)
8. Seeing my baby boy's face

8 Favorite Restaurants
(in no particular order)
1. Sol Rio
2. Fiesta Ole'
3. Texas Rhodehouse
4. Mongolian Grill
5. Taco Bell(just for the past few days)
6. Olive Garden
7. Morenita's
8. Chili's

8 Things on my Wish List:
1. A new laptop
2. To get good grades!
3.Someone to decorate my house, it's so plain but I don't know how!
4. A million dollars, no seriously if you have it give it
5. Spay my stupid deaf puppy
6. An entertainment center for the man room
7. a clean house that I don't have to clean
8. I leave this on from Kayleen's post...Laser hair removal so I didn't have to try and shave my legs, its getting harder the bigger my tummy gets..even tho Ive had it and the stupid hormones undid it all!

8 people I want to tag... Everyone I know on here has been tagged so I will be kind and not tag anyone!
Oh and I am going to post again I promise after stupid finals

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Yes, anything and everything strange that happens to me is because I'm pregnant. There are the things you expect when you get preggo and the stuff that apparently happens to everyone but NO ONE tells you. Acne, yeah that beautiful pregnant lady glow makes a great home for pimples... the constant abdominal pressure, once you think about it it makes perfect sense, I have a human in there it's going to get crowded but my ab muscles ache all the time! I can smell what you ate an hour ago, and yes it smells bad. Do not under any circumstances try and shave your legs standing in the shower, the soapy floor, your giant belly and the akward position... I have a giant bruise on my back because of this, do not try it! Random need of naps, like REALLY random. I cried the other day while reading a book and Larin made fun of me, he said it was cute and that just made me mad so I pouted and he laughed even harder which in turn made me even more angry. Strange dreams, really weird to the point of scary, like Alice in Wonderland creepy. Super dry skin along with the acne, I can't explain how that happens but it does. Complete and utter absentmindedness, I ask Larin a question and ask it again in five minutes because I forgot I asked him, I leave my purse, keys, notebooks, etc. all over the place. So I ask my doctor about these things, and what is her answer... oh, that's just because you're pregnant. What can I do about it.... wait until you aren't pregnant. That's helpful, yeah, I am glad you went to all that medical school to tell me that, THANKS. As you can tell the hormones have begun raging and making me a fun person to be around! Anywho, we got our TV and Larin loves it, now whenever he sees our other TVs he says they are too small. Men are weird. I am so excited about going up for thanksgiving. You know how usually you are like hmmm... the apple and the pumpkin and the cherry pie all look so good but you can only choose one because you are watching your weight over the holidays... not me I'm going to have a slice of apple, pumpkin and cherry pie because no matter what I do I'm going to gain weight so I am going to have a ball doing it! Why... BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So when thinking of a word to describe me, most of you know all to well to stay away from GRACEFUL. I have spent the past 20 years on this planet and still have yet to figure out this whole gravity thing. I trip over invisible objects and spend a lot of time picking myself up off the ground, I have learned to laugh about it and find it funny. So imagine putting 15 pounds right in front of me in center, yeah, bad idea. Now my so called center of balance (remember not much balance there before) is all thrown off and to top it off I can't see what I'm running into. Last night Larin and I spent a few minutes trying to figure out where and how I got all these bruises. Oh how fun! Pregnancy wise I'm doing much better, no longer sick and I am having fun feeling our little one growing. Larin finally was patient enough and got to feel his son kick, it was so cute! He was like that's it!! I'm like yeah, well it's not your insides he is jumping around on!! Starting to get uncomfortable at times but otherwise just trying to enjoy it and eat whatever I want. Here's 20 weeks photo of the belly, HALF WAY!!!
Larin and I celebrated our two year anniversary yesterday. He got the day off work and we spent the day together and had fun. A kind of anniversary/Christmas gift we got was a flat screen 56" TV which will be arriving soon, Larin is PUMPED. It goes into his "man room". I am reupholstering a couch in what else but camo color and I will post pics of his man room when we are finished setting it up.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am finally posting again! It has been pretty busy these past few weeks with school midterms, and the ATC Ball we had to attend for Larin's job. Due to my absent mind I forgot the camera and have no pictures of us all dressed up. It was nice to have a little getaway weekend, the ball was in Park City and we had a big suite with an awesome jetted giant tub, which was my favorite since I'm not allowed in the hot tub I got to relax in there. It was fun to get all prettied up and into a nice gown even with this growing belly! Some friends there took pictures of us so maybe I can find one later.
Here is a picture of the belly at 18-19 weeks!
And I am only halfway through! I can feel our little boy kicking and squirming and he is definitely getting big and strong, here are some more ultrasound pics from our last appointment.These are the tiny feet I feel!And just in case there was any doubt in our minds he showed us that we can buy all blue things, because he is definitely a he.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We had our 15 week appointment today and they were able to see the sex of the baby and my feelings were right...it's a BOY!! He wouldn't hold still for very long but we got to see his little hands and feet squirming around in there.
Here's his alien face.
And this is the "boy area" she could see, I couldn't tell!
Larin and I just got back from our visit in Idaho. Larin and Ryan, our brother-in-law, went hunting. I got to stay in town and catch up with family and friends, but being pregnant I missed Sunday family dinner and spent it curled up on the bathroom floor. Oh the joys of parenthood! I got to see all my nieces and nephews which was nice, they are all getting so big! And a special thanks needs to be given to my sister-in-law Rachel for the maternity pants she let me borrow, I tried to stuff myself into my regular pants and it is soooo not worth it, these things are AMAZINGLY comfortable! This last picture is of our little miss Suzie, she had to sit on Larin's lap and decided to try and drive, it was scary.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baby On Board

I am starting this blog to keep in contact with my friends and family as our little family grows. Larin and I decided it was time to add some wee ones to the mix! I was late and took a few pregnancy tests which came up faintly positive so we set up a doctors appointment and the blood test came back negative! So we put it at the back of our minds and continued on with life until a week later when I got extremely sick at work. Larin came and picked me up since I was feeling too sick to drive and what do you know, it turns out I was pregnant! I took a digital test and there it was written out PREGNANT!! So once again we set up a blood test and this time it agreed, there definitely was a bun in the oven.A few weeks later I started having bad pains in my stomach and since it was Saturday we ran to the hospital just to be sure the baby was okay. It turned out I was sick but the baby was fine and Larin and I got to see the baby jumping around in there!
It was so weird to finally see an actual little baby in there, another week later we went to the doctor for our first check-up and got to see the baby once again, and learned we are due April 9th, 2009!!! We find out on Oct. 15th what we are having.