Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week 27...10 to go!

Here's the updated belly pic! 27 weeks so in 10 weeks I'll be considered full term and I told Charlie that's when he is evicted! Pregnancy wise I am just getting more and more uncomfortable. I had bad hips before pregnancy and now if I try and do too much I wake up the next day in so much pain I can't get out of bed, it's tons of fun. Everyone I bump into thinks I'm tiny! Can't believe anyone thinks this is tiny! Charlie has been getting the hiccups which is a weird sensation, I feel bad for him because it happens a couple times a day but they say it doesn't bother them. I waddle everywhere I go and Larin thinks it's hilarious! Anywho that's the update on the pregnancy!


Kmelanese said...

My kind of girl-evicting at 37 weeks. You are little...

Jewls said...

Your belly pics are so decieving you aren't that big it is no fair ; )!